Integrity Unit [ TEAM ]
The function of the team of UI@USM is to ensure implementation of five functions (Governance, Complaints Management, Investigation, Compliance and Strengthening Integrity).


UI@USM is one of the members of the Council of Public University Integrity Officers or known as Majlis Pegawai Integriti Universiti Awam (MPIUA). The Council has been formed on 4 July 2019 to unite all the UI of the public universities. Besides, the Head of UI@USM is a Certified Integrity Officer (CeIO) and also the member of the Association of Certified Integrity Officer (ACeIO). Currently, he is the Penang State Chairman for the ACeIO since 2020.
Empowering Youth

Realising the importance of power of youth impact, UI@USM team has been mandated to inspire, engage and empower USM’s students towards sustainability and leadership capacity in fighting corruption and uphold integrity values. Thus, through Angkatan Mahasiswa Anti Rasuah or AMAR and Sekretariat Rakan Integriti Malaysia (SRIM), UI@USM team worked closely with the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to supervise the empowerment of youth activism on integrity and corruption.
AMAR and SRIM are the medium for youth to inculcate good values, prevent corruption and abuse of power among students. With these Student Force, students recruited to spearhead integrity and anti-corruption movements within university. Ideally, AMAR has fostered the formation of anti-corruption groups, which undertake activities ranging from campaigns to policy advocacy within and beyond their campuses. These youth-led groups design projects that raise awareness of corruption’s harms and how to counter it. The projects are run under the close supervision of UI@USM and MACC. During the project, the MACC provides extensive capacity-building programmes and finally, the project was evaluated whether it realised the objectives. Indeed, this process nurture the students to become aware of corruption and misconduct practices in line with UI@USM objective, being the champion of strengthening integrity.