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Welcome Note from Legal Office

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I am pleased to welcome you to the website of Universiti Sains Malaysia’s Legal Office.

In line with the APEX and RU missions, the Legal Office of USM is committed to provide sound and specialized legal advice and service to meet the best interests of USM and the diverse needs of academicians, staff and students of the University.  The Legal Office is responsible for the provision of all the University’s legal service, with the main aims to ensure the University meets its strategic imperatives. 

The USM Legal Office aspires to uphold not only the mission and vision of the Legal Office, but also the mission and vision of every other PTJ, School, Department and Centre in the University, as well as the objectives of the University as a whole.

To ensure that the USM Legal Office provides well-informed advice and high quality service to the entire USM community, our officers and staff are dedicated to high quality research and consultation, independent but loyal support for the initiatives of the University's administration, PTJs and Schools and painstaking efforts to minimise potential risks, expenses, red tape and bureaucracy while endeavouring to deliver our legal and governance work quickly, efficiently and effectively.

The Legal Office strives at all times to be professional, pragmatic and relevant. The legal services we provide include:

  • General legal advice;
  • Governance advice;
  • Drafting and negotiating research and academic agreement, including Memorandum of Understanding, Memorandum of Agreement, Non-Disclosure Agreement etc.;
  • Advice on intellectual property issues;
  • Dispute resolution;
  • Litigation, Summons and issuing court notice;
  • Interpretation of legislation;
  • Providing precedent legal documents;
  • Liaising with and monitoring court case;
  • Integrity advice;
  • Staff and student discipline;
  • Personal data protection.

We are here to serve. To contact the Legal Office, email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or phone 04 653 6606.  Contact details for all of our staff, and further details of our services, are available on this website.


Dr. Khairul Anuar Che Azmi
Legal Adviser
Universiti Sains Malaysia 

  • Hits: 9305