Integrity Unit [ Insights & Stories ]

The Prime Minister’s Directive No. 1 of 2023 - National Good Governance Strengthening Movement was launched by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on 8 January 2024 during Simposium Tatakelola Baik Nasional 2024 to enhance accountability and the practice of values as a work culture in the public service.

FORUM INTEGRITI - Bila Rasuah dan Salah Laku akan berhenti? session has invited speakers from Association of Certified Integrity Officer (ACeIO), En. Ahmad Sabri (President/Director of MACC Perak), En. Roslan hanafiah (SP Setia), and En. Juhary (UMT).

A good leader will be the role model for everybody in the organisation to embark highest integrity. In line with strengthening integrity within university, the UI@USM and Pusat Transformasi Insan have conducted a session called Sembang Tamu in which invited the speaker Y.Bhg Datuk (Dr.) Hafsah Hashim. In this session, the Chairman of Usains Holding Sdn. Bhd Board of Director, Datuk (Dr.) Hafsah Hashim has shared her wisdom through her vast experiences in the public and private sector on the topic of Authentic and Ethical Leadership to the USM staffs.

On 29 April 2024, Penang Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) together with UI@USM, IPG Tunku Bainun, IPG Kampus Pulau Pinang, Kolej Islam Teknologi Antarabangsa and Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi MARA have conducted a one day programme "MAHASISWA UNGGUL TANPA RASUAH, PEMACU KELESTARIAN NEGARA MADANI" at Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) Kampus Tunku Bainun, Bukit Mertajam to expose and motivate the Anti-Corruption Student Group (AMAR) on integrity to drive them on combating anti-corruption.

On 13 May 2024 and 29 May 2024, UI@USM was invited to deliver and instill integrity matters in the programme called Program Transformasi Minda (PTM). This programme conducted by Pusat Transformasi Insan (PTi) to the newly 89 appointed academic staffs.

27 May 2024 - The Council of Public University Integrity Officers, Malaysia held its first meeting for the year 2024 at Bilik Sipadan, Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. The meeting attended by 37 officers from the 20 Malaysia public universities. On the next day (28 May 2024), all public university integrity officers participated in the Workshop of Structuring the Integrity Unit. The workshop also attended by MoHE and MACC officers. At the end of the workshop, the Council of Public University Integrity Officers came up several resolutions to the public universities management.
6 June 2024 - Pusat Perubatan Universiti Sains Malaysia Bertam (PPUSMB) conducted a programme called the "Enhancing Professionalism in Nursing" to elevate the nurses knowledge. UI@USM was invited by PPUSMB to provide a clear understanding of integrity to nurses on matter of "Procedures, Disciplinary Penalties, and Integrity Offenses in Disciplinary Management".

On 9 until 11 August 2024, the Council of Public University Integrity Officers and the Council of Public University Legal Advisers, Malaysia held a workshop at Bilik Seminar Aminuddin Baki, Fakulti Pembangunan Manusia (FPM), Kampus Sultan Azlan Shah, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI). This workshop discussed the resolutions of managing disciplinary matters, coordination of the best investigation reporting practices and the trending scenario of disciplinary cases towards a future data driven administration.

23 October 2024, Research Creativity & Management Office, USM has invited UI@USM through medium of webex to brief to all grant receivers on aspect of Treasury Instruction No. 59 pertaining non-compliance of financial regulation related to grant management.

On 6 November 2024, Dr. Khairul Anuar Che Azmi, the Head of UI@USM /Legal Advisor briefed to all the new appointed university head of departments on aspect of integrity and governance.

On 14 November 2024, UI@USM has been invited to the 2024 National Integrity Day Celebration hosted by the Ministry of Higher Education (KPT). The purpose of this event is to embed a culture of integrity, transparency, and anti-corruption within Malaysia’s higher education sector.

On 18 November 2024, UI@USM was invited by the Penang State Secretary Office to the 2024 Seminar Kelestarian Integriti dan Antirasuah at Royal Chulan Hotel, Pulau Pinang. The purpose of the seminar was to build a clean, transparent, anti-corruption and professional working environment in the public sector that embedded the values of highest integrity. The first slot of the seminar was delivered by YBrs. Tuan Shamsul bin Salip, Deputy Director of MACC, Community Educational Division on the topic of Leakage of Public Fund and, continued by the second slot, YBrs. Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Che Azmi, USM Legal Advisor on topic of Issues of Governance.

UI@USM paid a visit to Integrity Unit of Penang State Secretary Office on 10 December 2024 for a roundtable discussion on aspect of integrity management and future close cooperation.

16 December 2024, Sekretariat Rakan Integriti Mahasiswa (SRIM), USM accompanied by USM Integrity Unit and Legal Office were exposed on the legal proceedings of the courtroom at Balik Pulau Criminal Sessions Court.