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Integrity Unit [ Governance ]


Governance committee

Governance Committee is a committee replacing the Anti-Corruption Committee (Jawatankuasa Anti-Rasuah in Malay) to strengthen the system of government administration of Malaysia. This is based on the Prime Minister's Directive No.1 Year 2023, named the National Good Governance Strengthening Movement (Gerakan Pemantapan Tatakelola Nasional) with forming a Special Cabinet Committee on National Good Governance.


Chairman : Vice-Chancellor
Alternate Chairman : Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Division of Industrial & Community Network)
Secretary  : Head of Integrity Unit
Secretariat : Integrity Unit

Members :

  1. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Division of Research & Innovation)
  2. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Division of Academic & International)
  3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Division of Students Development Affairs & Alumni)
  4. Registrar
  5. Bursar
  6. Chief Librarian
  7. Legal Adviser
  8. Head of Internal Audit
  9. Director of Media and Public Relations Centre
  10. Director of Health Campus
  11. Director of Engineering Campus
  12. Director of Hospital USM
  13. Director of Advance Dental & Medical Institute
  14. Director of Development & Facility Management Department
  15. Director of Centre for Knowledge, Communication & Technology
  16. Director of Security Department
  17. Director of Sports & Recreation Centre

Terms of Reference

  • Institutional, Policy and Law Reforms.
  • Work Systems and Procedures.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation; and
  • Cultivation of Value Practices and
    Good Governance.

Managing practices of value and integrity

The important of ascertaining the level of values and integrity practiced by university's staffs is to ensure efficiency and integrity of the university's service delivery.  Under PRIME MINISTER'S DIRECTIVE NO 1 YEAR 2018, three main components of implementation are stipulated (known as Sistem Pengurusan Amalan Nilai 2.0) to enhance values; (1) Programme Management (2) Auditing (3) Intervention.